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Non-Goal Oriented Touching and Expanding Pleasure

When was the last time you touched yourself for the sake of touching? Have you ever had sex with your partner without trying to give them an orgasm or rushing to have one yourself? What would it feel like to be curious to explore touch with no desire for a particular outcome?

Have you ever felt sexual performance anxiety? How present were you with your interaction? Some people find that removing the focus of an orgasm allows them to settle into the moment and explore what sensations are actually moving in their body. Sometimes our minds are preoccupied with past or future scenarios that we miss what magick the moment has to offer. When we stay present we can experience more. Allow yourself to drop into the juiciness and let the experience unfold.

Cultivate curiosity and an explorers mindset. What does it feel like to not have a goal? Can you sensually touch without sexually grabbing? Allow your eroticism to flow, you can get aroused. We want to wake up and excite the body. Let pleasure reveal itself in unique places.

When we don’t have a specific outcome in mind there is no place to race to. We can take our time to be curious and playful. You can slow down and explore how different types of touch feel in your body. Touch the entire body and take note of what you are capable of feeling.

Is there any place that holds more pleasure for you then you previously thought? What does it feel like to change the quality of touch in that area? What does that unlock for you?

Are there places that feel painful or numb? Where are you holding tension? How does that tension feel in the body. Can you bring breath there? Get curious about your body, explore it and listen to what it is telling you.

When we let go of judgements and expectations we can focus solely on the sensory aspects of touching. Our responses to different types of touch will share a great deal of information with us.

Don’t stick with the same motions, vary your pressure and styles of touch. This keeps each sensation fresh while also confusing the mind so it can’t predict what will happen next. This will allow the mind to surrender to the moment instead of completing the pattern of the next movement.

If you feel anxious about your ability to perform sexually, worried you won’t get aroused or ejaculate too soon, feel ashamed about your body, embarrassed by your lack of sexual skill or distracted and unable to be present non goal oriented touch could provide incredible benefit to your life.

I want to help you see the delicious gifts being a creative toucher and present receiver can offer you. Contact Zyra Cloud for support on developing deeper consciousness and curiosity in regards to sexuality and life.


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Zyra Cloud


Intimacy Coach

Eros Embodiment Educator

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